January 2018

Upcoming Training
New training will appear here monthly. So be sure to sign up to the update list at the top of the main members area page and I'll email you the moment it is live.
If you have any problems or questions, just use our help desk.
The Undercover Spy Lab
In this lab, we examine a site that has been sold and see how we can replicate the results (without all the guesswork.)
The Site – BestAcousticGuitarGuide.com
Flippa Listing - https://flippa.com/9307914-bestacousticguitarguide-com
Date Sold - 12th December 2017
Price Sold For - $11,100
Age of Site When Sold – 4 years
Details – This is another great example of a site making less than $400 that can be flipped for a 5 figure sum. It targets acoustic guitars and the various accessories that are used with them.
Keywords Targeted – It targets mainly acoustic guitar type phrases and product review phrases.
Backlinks – According to MajesticSEO, the site only has 17 backlinks. But those links are mainly from guitar related websites from blog comments or forum links. This is a major factor in Google these days (as I have previously mentioned in this members area).

What My Plan Would Be To Clone The Results – I would set up a brand new site using a domain name that has the word guitar or acoustic guitar in it. As it has more than 100 pages indexed in Google, my aim would be to have 50-100 well optimized articles on the site eventually. These can be gradually added over time.
Potential keywords I would target:
acoustic guitar
acoustic guitars
best acoustic guitar
acoustic guitar review
acoustic guitar reviews
acoustic guitar amp
acoustic guitar for beginners
acoustic guitar case
12 string acoustic guitar
acoustic guitar amps
acoustic guitar accessories
acoustic guitar cases
acoustic guitar hard case
7 string acoustic guitar
and other related long tail keywords found during research.
I would use social, Web 2.0 and PBN links to rank the site over the course of 12-24+ months. I would heavily focus on getting topically related and thematically related backlinks.
The aim would be to get to $1,000+ per month in profit and then sell for $25,000+
The Sniper Lab
The Sniper Lab is all about creating small 3-5 page websites that target buyer keywords with an Exact Match Domain (EMD).
You simply browse the Amazon marketplace to find products, then put those into the Google keyword planner and see what searches come up. Find one that gets 250+ searches a month that has a .com available domain and you're good to go!
You can use a free keyword tool like this one to get more accurate search volumes than the Google keyword planner now gives you.
These are really simple sites to make and each can make you 4 figures in profit when you sell them. They make great additions to add to your Amazon empire.
This video has more information:
(Click the fullscreen icon to enlarge the video)
Here are some domains you can use right now (each one is available as I'm typing this and has a clean history):
8stringacousticguitar.com - 320 searches per month
acousticelectricukulele.net - 720 searches per month
6stringukulele.com - 720 searches per month
bestbeginnerukulele.com - 590 searches per month
8stringukulele.com - 590 searches per month
basstrumpet.net - 1,600 searches per month
beginnertrumpet.net - 390 searches per month
bestmandolin.net - 480 searches per month
epiphonemandolin.net - 480 searches per month
beginnermandolin.net - 390 searches per month
These will obviously be snapped up fast by members but give you an idea of what to look for. A new list will be added every month.
The Ranking Lab
It's All About Relevance in 2018
I've touched on this before but it's important to bring it up again in case you missed it in previous months.
Google really loves sites that get links from other relevant sites (whether PBN's or not). By relevant I don't mean if you have a fishing rod site you get links from outdoor sports sites. You not only need to get links from sites about fishing but it's crucial that the links you get have 'fishing' in the domain name, URL and/or title.
If you analyse any top 10 site in ahrefs or MajesticSEO, you'll no doubt see that the site will have links from other sites based around the search phrase.
Here's a quick example....
If I type 'fishing rod USA' into Google, one of the top results is https://www.tackledirect.com
When I analyse the backlinks in ahrefs, I can see the top backlinks all have fishing either in the domain name, URL and/or title:

You'll see this with pretty much any site in the top ten these days and it will only become more important moving forward.
A backlink doesn't give the same power if the page doesn't have your main topic or keyword in it's domain name, URL or title.
That's why getting hundreds of links from sites that don't have this will do pretty much nothing for you and may even harm your chances of ranking at all.
So remember, if you're placing a backlink anywhere, be sure to get your main topic or keyword in one or more of those key places.
The Q and A Lab
Questions that have been sent in this month:
Q – Do you think EMD sites will still rank in 2018?
A – Yes. Just do some searches in Google and you'll pretty much see EMD, partial EMD and authority sites in the top ten. Obviously high competition searches will mostly be authority sites but for affiliate terms EMD sites will still rank well.
Q – I've heard lots of people saying PBN's don't work any more, is this true?
A – PBN's work better than ever. You just need to make sure you are getting keyword relevance in the title and URL's of the pages linking to your money site. For example, if your site is about fishing rods, then every PBN link you get should have a fishing related term in the title and/or URL of the post containing the link to your money site.
Q – Do you use expired domains?
A – I personally only use auction domains for PBN's these days. Mainly because they keep the old registration date and don't reset to a new one. This helps to safe guard sites if Google ever decide to bring in a penalty for sites that only have links from domains not more than a year old.
Q – What are my goals for 2018?
A – I will obviously continue with building and selling affiliate sites but I also plan to share a lot of free information to help others too.
Have a question? Send it in - tony@zonbootcamp.com