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What Is Website Flipping?

This video shows how the website flipping model works:

Video 1 - Flipping Model

You need to create a website that becomes an asset. It does that by getting visitors to the site and then making a profit via recommending or selling products.

Once you have that asset, you can then put it up for sale on Flippa.com

The Things You Need

This video shows the essential things you need to create your asset:

Video 2 - Domain Name

Here's what you'll need:

Domain Name - This is what people type into their browser to find your website. You can buy them from popular registrars such as Namecheap or Godaddy.

Website Hosting - For people to be able to view your website, it needs to be hosted on a server. Some popular hosting companies you can use are Bluehost or Hostgator.

WordPress - This is a popular website platform, that is free to install on most hosting plans. You can use to create your website.

How To Monetize Your Website

This video shows several ways you can make money from your website:

Video 3a - Monetize

There are many ways to monetize including:

Affiliate Sales - This is where you recommend products via their affiliate program and earn a percentage of each sale you make.

Drop Shipping - This is where you sell products you don't own, when you make a sale you then order the product from a supplier who ships it out to the customer.

eCommerce - Is where you sell products you do own. When sales are made, you ship these out to the customer.

Ad Sales - Is where you sell advertising space on your website.

Affiliate Vs eCommerce Websites

This video shows two live examples of affiliate and eCommerce websites:

Video 3b - Aff Vs Ecom

There are benefits to both types of sites. If you're just starting out, then affiliate websites would be the safer option. There's no stock to purchase or customers to deal with.

Flippa Marketplace

This video shows the Flippa marketplace and the various websites that are for sale:

Video 4 - Flippa

Flippa is by far one of the most popular places to buy or sell a website from.

Flippa Listing Tips

This video has tips for when listing your website for sale:

Video 5 - Listing Tips

Here are some vital tips to help you get the most out of your Flippa.com listings:

1. No need to list your auction for longer than 10 days. I find that 5 or 7 day listings always get enough interest for the product to sell for the desired price. Try to have your auction ending on a weekday except for Fridays. I normally do Tuesday-Tuesday or Thursday-Thursday. (A 30 day auction would only ever be needed if you were selling a site for more than $100,000.)

2. If you’re pretty sure that your auction will sell for more than $1,000 then you should accept escrow payment only.

3. Start your auction at $1.00 as this encourages more early bids. The more bids your auction gets, the more interest it will receive and ultimately it will sell for a higher price.

4. Set a reserve price at the minimum amount you would be happy to receive.

5. Try and explain in as much detail all you can about your site. Try and list all the benefits and features it has and why it will appeal to a new owner.

6. Be sure to provide as many screenshots as you can to prove traffic stats and earnings. This adds more credibility to your listing.

7. Answer all comments individually where possible. More comments should mean more people will take interest in your listing.

8. A standard $49 listing is normally the only thing required.

9. Add a BIN (Buy It Now) price within the last 24-48 hours of your auction. As a guideline, I generally add a BIN price that is roughly 50% of the current highest bid. So if that bid is $10,000 then the BIN price would be $15,000 or even $20,000. This encourages one of the bidders to act fast to guarantee they win the auction.

10. Try and transfer the site in a timely manner. Once escrow has been made secure, then you should transfer everything over to them as quick as you can. This ensures that you receive your money fast and also keeps the buyer happy.

11. Keep a list of all your buyers. If they have a good experience in dealing with you, then you can contact them the next time you have a site for sale and may not have to list it for sale on Flippa. Set up a list for them to join, then you can email them BEFORE you list the site on Flippa.com. This can save you a lot of money in listing and success fees.

Buying & Then Selling Websites

This video has an example of buying a website and then selling it:

Video 6 - Buy & Sell

Buying existing websites can speed up the process because often, existing sites will already have visitors and may even be making money. You therefore might not have to wait for 8-12 months to rank your website in Google.

Flippa Example Amazon Website

This video shows a typical website sale on Flippa and how to model these kind of sites for yourself:

Video 7 - Example Flippa Sale

These kind of websites sell all the time on Flippa. In just 12 months, it's possible to build a website that you can sell for 5 figures.


As you can see, there is huge potential for making money by selling websites.

There is a lot less risk involved than selling houses, for example, but the profit and return on investment is second to none.

All you need to do is:

#1 - Build (or buy) a website.

#2 - Drive visitors to that website.

#3 - When it's making money, put it up for auction.

#4 - Repeat.

Just follow those steps, continue to create your digital assets and you'll always have options to sell them and pocket the lump sums 🙂


Steve Daley

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