Quick Call Ads

Training Area

Welcome to the training area!

Below you'll find all the information you need to set up your first Pay Per Call ad!


Before you create your first ad, it's important to learn the basics about how Google Adwords works and the terms you'll need to be familiar with.

This video shows the basics of how Adwords works:


(To show subtitles, click the subtitles/cc button in the video player)

Basic terms you need to know:

Keywords - These are the words that people type into Google. You choose the keywords that you want your ad to be shown for when setting up your Campaigns.

Bid - When someone clicks on your ad, this is the maximum amount you are willing to pay. You only get charged when someone, when someone clicks on your ad or makes a phone call.

Quality Score - This is how relevant Google determines your ads are to your keywords. The higher the Quality Score, the lower you will pay per click.

Ad Rank - This is the position your ad will show in Google. It is based off of your bid, Quality Score and several other factors.

Cost Per Click (CPC) - This is the exact amount you pay per click on your ad. You don't always per the maximum amount per click, this can vary.

Conversion - This can be set up to measure purchases, contacting you or phone calls.

Creating Your Account

To run your ads, you need to create a Google Adwords account.

This video has tips on how to do that:


(To show subtitles, click the subtitles/cc button in the video player)

Setting Up A Campaign

This is the structure of an Adwords campaign:

The first step is to create your actual campaign.

This video shows how to do that:


(To show subtitles, click the subtitles/cc button in the video player)

Ad Groups

Now it's time to create your ad groups. We recommend setting up one ad group per service your business provides.

Here's how that might look:

This video shows how to set them up:


(To show subtitles, click the subtitles/cc button in the video player)


A handy Google Chrome extension called Keyword Surfer can help you to choose relevant keywords.

This video shows how to use it:


(To show subtitles, click the subtitles/cc button in the video player)

Keyword Types

There are 5 different types of keywords you can add to your campaigns. They are:

Broad Match - These keywords are the most broadest terms. Google will display your ad when any of these keywords are enetered, in any order and will also show for related keywords too. An example of this:

London plumber

Broad Match Modifier - These keywords must show up in a search for your ad to be shown. You add them using the + symbol before each keyword. An example of this:

boiler repair +emergency

Phrase Match - Here you can add phrases and all words must be included in the search for your ad to show. An example of this:

"emergency boiler repair"

Exact Match - Here you can specify exact phrases that you want to target. An example of this:

[emergency boiler repair]

Negative Match - This allows you to add words where your ads won't show up at all. You might not want to be found for terms such as 'cheap' or 'free' for example.


Last stage is to create the actual ads. We recommend creating at least 3 ads per ad group.

This video shows how to set the ads up:


(To show subtitles, click the subtitles/cc button in the video player)


Many thanks for taking this training.

Here are the steps of what you need to do:

  • Create a Google Adwords account.
  • Set up a campaign for a service/product your business provides.
  • Choose the keywords and location you want to target.
  • Create 3 ads for that 1 campaign.
  • Set your daily budget and maximum bid per click.
  • Start that campaign and measure the results.
  • If you provide other services, repeat the steps above.

You now have everything you need in order to create your own Pay Per Call ads on Google.

We hope this course provides lots more clients for your business!

Marie Pham & Tony Newton


Any Questions? Contact Us Here - support@quickcallads.com

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