Podify Traffic Heist

Training Area

Welcome to the training area!

Below you'll find all the information you need to start getting lots of free traffic by creating your own podcast and adding it to Spotify.

Before Creating Your Podcast

Before you jump in to creating the actual podcast, it's important to have a plan of action first.

So, here are some tips to getting started:

Choose Your Topic/Niche

You probably already have a niche that you target.

It might be health, make money online, crypto currency, outdoors, sports, relationships, programming, pets or any other topic.

Whatever it is, you can create a podcast about it!

You don't want to go too niche here because you want to be able to create 50-100+ episodes about the topic. So you need to make sure you can do that with the choice you make.

Choose a Name

Your name needs to describe the information that you'll be sharing.

You can choose a broad name here. For example, if your chosen topic was “affiliate marketing” then you might want to use a name such as “Make Money Online With Tom”. That makes it clear what the episodes will be about.

Episode Length

The great thing about podcasts is that you don't need to have long episodes. Some of the most popular podcasts are just 5-10 minutes in length.

You need to make them long enough to get your point across but short enough so that they are easy to consume by your audience.

Formatting The Episodes

The format of a podcast episode is quite straight forward too.

They are generally laid out like this:

  • Hook/Teaser
  • Introduction Music
  • Introduction/Welcome
  • Main Content
  • Call To Action
  • Outro Music

So you start by giving a teaser of what the episode is about. Then there's your intro music, main information, a call to action and then the final outro music.

You can find free intro/outro music on sites like = https://pixabay.com/music/search/genre/intro/outro/

Cover Art

You want your podcast to look professional and also be clear, so that you get clicks when people are browsing the various podcast platforms.

You can create the cover art yourself, using a website like Canva.com or alternatively you can have a designer create one for you on a site like Fiverr.com

Hosting Your Podcast

In order for your podcast to be shared on platforms like Spotify, it needs to be hosted online.

There are many free and paid options for this.

But the one we'll share with you is 100% free, very easy to use and is even owned by Spotify.

It's called Anchor.fm

This video shows how to sign up for your free account:



And once you've signed up, you'll want to navigate around and get used to the platform.

Here are the main features to look out for:


Creating Your Episodes

The great thing about Anchor.fm is you can create your podcast directly from inside the platform.

This video shows how to do that:


Creating Your Podcast

Once you have your first episode created, you can create your actual podcast.

This video shows how to do that:


As soon as you create your first episode within your podcast, it will automatically be added to Spotify. You don't have to do anything for this to happen.

But you can also share it with other podcast platforms too, from within the Settings/Podcast Availability section.

Call To Actions

Call to actions is how you get the free traffic going to your website from your podcast.

These are typically added to the end of each episode. They can be as simple as:

"For more exclusive internet marketing tips, just visit my website at www.DomainName.com."

Or you can make them more appealing and enticing by saying something like:

"Download an exclusive guide, packed with my top 10 tips on internet marketing. Get it at my website www.DomainName.com."

You can use different calls to actions in your episodes and monitor the results.


Many thanks for taking this training.

Podcasts are not only super powerful but they can also be a lot of fun to make.

Not only can you share your own information but you can also interview other people in your niche. That means you only have to create a few questions and other people will provide the content for your podcasts.

And you can also add advertising to your podcasts and make money when people listen too.

So there are so many benefits to starting your first podcast today!

Thanks for watching!

Your Name

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